Lily Customs Broker. Lily 报关行
Lily报关行: 是加拿大海关特许持牌的专业报关行 Licensed Customs Broker
- 各类进出口清关包括普通类,食品粮食类,蔬菜水果类,植物木材类,化妆品类,能源类,配额类,汽车及轮胎类,烟酒奶粉类等.
- 各类清关包括海运, 陆运, 空运, 快递等全加拿大各港口一站式特快清关服务.
- 电子EDI清关,网络全程跟踪,提供免费咨询,担保即时清关,确保您的利益.
- 即日起, 报关特价优惠, 从$30CAD 起.
请拨打 416-878-6285 或 邮件: broker@LCustoms.com了解详情.
We do customs clearance for you. As a fully licensed Customs Broker, we guarantee first-time clear the customs for all your shipments. So when you want to ship goods into or out of Canada , Let us make it easy for you.
Thanks for your support.